Tuesday, 13 September 2016

How To Know Things The 1% Do That The 99% Don’t 
1. Stop liking sleep even slightly: Knowledge is power. Power is powerful. Only powerful people get to have money. They don’t call it currency for no reason. Only weak people with no purpose look forward to sleep and are sad when it’s over. And that’s only partially true now that I think about it. I actually do look forward to sleep. But only because I can’t wait to hurry up and get it over with, wake up and get back to work.
2. Be the best: The 1 percent know people like to buy the best products and services possible. So they make it their goal to be the best and produce the best. So be the best.
3. Value production over playtime: “The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.” There is a time to work and a time to play. The question is this: What are you living for? What drives you? What are you most looking forward to most of the time? Are you living to work, produce and serve others, with playtime as a pleasant and occasional respite? Or you are you living to play, party and self-serve with work time as an unpleasant but necessary evil that exists to support your playtime?
4. Have the 99 percent do your work for you: “I would rather make 1 percent of 100 people’s efforts then 100 percent of my own.”
The 99 percent work. The 1 percent hire the 99 percent. This is not rocket science. If you have a lawn mowing service, the last thing you should ever be doing with your time is personally riding a lawn mower. I mean it looks fun, and I’ve always wondered what it’s like, but I’m guessing the novelty wears off after about one front yard.
6. Spend your money on things that make you more money: “If you don’t know how to care for money, money will stay away from you.”
7. Give as much money away as possible: “Give and it will be given to you.” This sounds insane, I know. And you might not even believe it, but those evil money-hungry 1 percents give away more money than the entire 99 percent combined. Not all of their motives are pure of course. But some of them are. The time to start doing this is right now no matter how much money you make or have or don’t make and don’t have. If you don’t do it now, you won’t do it when you’re a 1 percent. And you have a much better chance of becoming a 1 percent if you give now. 

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